A Clean HUD: This is a HUD Preset for DEF_UI HUD.

Kauf Bunter Download the DEF_UI mod that will let you use my preset stylesssssssss: Fallout 4 Wheel Menu: Mod is using icons from DEF_UI iconlibs2.swf: Fallout 4 Wheel Menu - Traduzione Italiana ORD: Fallout 4 Wheel Menu RU: Fallout 76 inspired DEF_HUD Preset: This is required to use this UI, since this is only a preset for. Schau Dir Angebote von Fallout 4 auf eBay an. Head model: A purely technical way to call the "Mom" and "Dad" options in the Heritage menu of the Character Creator. Hannahface: Sameface character who uses Hannah as its base and since it's an easy way to make an attractive character, you'll be seeing them a lot in this game.For example, to add one of Combat Shotgun in perfect condition, you would type: To add them to your inventory, open the command console ( ~) and type player.additem followed by the item code, the quantity you want, and the condition you want it in. These are the known codes for the various weapons that can be found and equipped in Fallout 3. Player.additem 00020420 1 100 ARMOR ITEM CODES